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Sunday, April 14, 2013

EPOS - scifi alien religion movie idea

This idea is inspired by the ancient alien theorists around us, its a fact that we are not alone.
Just only math & science tells us so, without a shadow of a doubt !
In reality it is much more than that ! Have you asked the right questions ?
If so, from which perspective did you do that, eh ?

Year is 2020,
World is still un-enlighten same old race, same old struggles.
First steps are being taken to make a permanent base on the moon.
World is in deadlock of economy struggle and border tensions.
A political nightmare, mediators show for the masses and galleries.
Nothing really changed.
Suddenly out of nowhere, outspread allover the world,
 it starts to rain hundreds of bright white metallic balls, about 2 in diameter.
Breaking up in midair, you clearly see strange looking biped robots come out.
The world is caught off guard, and make stumbling attempts for contact and aggression,
both against the robots as there own humankind.
Press notices quickly that these robots has something in-common,
there movement is coordinated and moving forward earth magnetic fault lines.
Seemingly searching actively and without aggression for something.
Moving in lines to major old ancient places of the old religion.

Media are flabbergasted how these robots are taking no notice of us,
on occasions on some animals but are totally ignoring us, as we where not there.
Some robots get attacked but, just laughs among them self, talking in tongues,
repair each other and moves along, as if it never happen.

This goes on for days,
the robots halts and digs in on several ancient ruins around the planet.
Many cults, religions start to gather at these ruins, thinking its a sign of god.
One day out side the great pyramids of Giza,
thousands of humans has gathered as they see the sky starts to thunder
and break out in flames, sparkling and magnificent huge chariots descends.
The sounds shakes the sand and pebbles as it comes down.

In mid air it halts about 100 meters up and hovers,
you can see robust white armored human like soldiers
drop from the ships, coming down crashing in incredible speeds.
They are about 6.5 feet ( 2 meters ) tall, white shiny robust Armour, very intimidating.
There closed headgear look like something taken out of a horrid fantasy story,
of angels and dragons, but yet white in color, shiny and appealing.
One of the soldiers seemingly the leader starts to scream out in excitment,
as if he done something amazing, won the gold medal. Making gestures of the fact.
Starts to bark out orders, what might sound as a mix of all ancient languages.
One of the others points at his helmet.
He slams his chest console, his voice suddenly changes to english
with booming voice "is that better" - "yes sir "
"holy shit, what a ride woooooaaaa"
He removes his helmet, throws the helmet right trough a house
You can see that its very human like, head more extended backwards.
"Sergeant Jud" silence all around
Some human curious children are closing in to look closer
Commander screams "sergeant Jud to the front" he is ignoring the children
turns around instead to meet Jud.
"We set up base here, lets do this, lets get that old network up and running people"
The children are upon him and looking up at him
one says " are you angels "
Hey take no notice of the children, the child thugs his leg armour and asks again
The commander turns his head to spit and then notice the child
"what was that pipsqueece " bending down staring angry
"are you angels ? " lifts up single handed the child in his two arms,
child smiling as he dangles 2 feet up.
"hell no, do I look like the enemy to you" and throw the child 3 meters back.
Sergeant Jud says " holycrap, they evolved sir "
"I can see that shit for brains, ignore them, we got the war coming"

By this point you know that the evil ones are the white barbaric aliens,
setting up posts along the fault lines and ruins awaiting an attack.
Starting up an magnetic defense grid using our own ruins and faults.
They ignore humans and army as we was not there, no regard for us at all.

In space hundreds of black evil looking alien ships, like drawn from hell it self.

The movie is about the war between these two races that has been here before,
jumpstared humankind but left for thousands of years.
Its a clash of religion, beliefs and rights of epic scales,
now humankind has to take the back seat.
The evil dark brigade with maliciousness demonic rage will wipe the white out at the end.
Closing stages of the movie is as a single man is spared
as a reminder of the fallen earth, as they go out to jumpstart another planet.

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