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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Tinker - Fantasy movie idea

This movie demands a canvas and setting of ingenuity fun architecture
ranging from grand fantasy halls of the rich to futuristic steampunk of the workers.
Its flow well thought out, in purpose, harmony, emotions and style.
Suggestion for lead tinker role would be +Johnny Depp ( IMDb )

In a far distant universe
floats steady the magnificent rouge planet,
its more mechanical as its inhabitants keeps improving it
as they sail trough the universe in search for a habitual planet.
Seemingly there structural and cast system are steady, ranging from
the iconics white lords steering at the wheel to the outer rims tinker workers.
The iconics uses a theatrical display of an enclosed noble family,
decedents of a prehistoric astronaut promising eternal life in the universe.
This family infuse everyone else with hope for salvation and stability.
A sister and young brother of the noble family is dangerously curious.
There butler and nanny is secretively  a proud line of original tinkers,
infiltrated the noble family for generations.
Planting little by little the seeds for the halt and theatrical search in the stars.
They leave clues and notions that will lead the younger brother to invent
things in secret, small flying toys and marvels of artistic ingenuity.
The sister always keeping him safe and out of harm of being discovered.
Years pass and its close to ceremony of the wheel,
where the children will take over from there mother and father.
The younger brother has now created two small hemisphere bobsleds,
generating static shielding to fly around with.
He convinces his sister to take a last ride before taking on responsibility.
The now very old butler and nanny makes there move re-programming
the sleds to crash in the outer rim among the worker tinkers.

This journey will take them trough exploring there reality,
them self and mostly the love for the genuine artistic tinker people.
The sister find true love, the younger brother find courage and the truth.
The iconics don't want to stop searching, they only want the journey.
After struggle trough the layers of the casts, reaching home again,
they finaly enters the great halls united with the others.
As the iconics does not know anything else, gets persuaded  to
stop at the now close planet, be co-workers and learners
along side the tinkers, setting foot on the new frontier.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The journey - fantasy mini movie

In an obscure medieval town,
in a world of majestically myths, untold riches and adventures,
stumbles three common companions into the most prominent
tavern, Ye Giants Alehouse.
Tavern known far and beyond,
for its famous travelers and heroic visitors.
The companions traveled far from there mundane farming lifes,
seeking adventure to prove them self and there homestead.
Always was ridiculed for there false wild stories,
there attempts to fit in, looked at as weak outcasts up to no good.
They pledge there homestead and elders,
that they will return as heroes and songs will be sung in there honor.
The companions is the most unlikely to get anywhere with out help.

As tiny and fragile they are,
they enter the tavern and take seats in the back corner,
order some ales and are amazed how little they know of the worlds.
The tavern is full of mighty men and women, cloak and daggers,
menacing magicians and wondrous speeches of heroism and past adventures.

Into the tavern arrives most prestige group of them all,
mythical famous for being the lands out-most fearless adventurers.
There deeds makes giants tremble in there slumber.

They sits down on the table in-front of the companions,
the tavern is in cheers and attention to the group.
The leaders voice echoes far and deep as he begins
to weave the tales of there latest and most dangerous adventure.
Its a story of spectral evil beings about to take over the world
and the groups bitter fight for survival, among anomalies and hardships.
Groups magician continues the story how they manage to trap them all,
send them back to there infernal damnation hell,
showing the doomed artifact that saved them all.
The tavern breaks out its finest ale and the feast beguns.

The companions get scared and sneaks out,
takes a seat outside in shame and heckle each other.
Arguing why they come here in the first place,
there lifes was amazing as it where, without any danger.

During there fight,
the magician from the other group comes out,
places himself in the alley not far from the companions.
He is very drunk and start to urinate.
The companions fight escalate and they start to swing at each other.
One of them hurls his companion into the house fragile structure,
all creating a domino effect.
The magician gets hit from above by several rubble and planks.
Out of his west leather pouch drops the spectral artifact,
rolls down the street and lands at the feet of the companions.

They quickly grap it and flee of the horror they actually hurted him.
Later in a distant farm mural, outskirts of the town,
they sit down, exhausted and frigthend.

Its now the real story begins,
the artifact is in fact possible to use to travel in time.
They manage by stupidity activate it
and get them self involved with the other groups adventure.
The companions will trough heroic acts help
the other group to survive without being seen.
Helping to save the world without them knowing it.
They became the unsung heroes.

They eventually return to the tavern,
seeing them self fight outside.
There plan is to return the artifact to the out-cold magician,
after they ran away the first time.
Just as the fight gets to the point that where the accident occurs,
they see them self yet again coming out of the tavern, with the artifact.
Timing and rolls the artifact down the street to them self and flees of
in another direction.
Amazed that there where 3 of them at the same time,
they plant the artifact and decides that its enough adventure for a lifetime.
They return to there homestead and land,
changed men, humbled by there experiance.
In there local own tavern they sit in silence,
enjoying each others company.
Local town folk boasting about there heroism
of saving a goat from drowning the other day.
Feeling very boored and out of place.

They get interrupted as the artifact
get thrown upon there table,
a dark hooded man leans over them.
How about an adventure ?

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Outcast - mini futuristic tv-series idea

Year 2842, world is in ecological ruins,
humankind strive enclosed in huge domes for hundreds of years.
They evolve for and with them self, closed out of the rest of the world.
Many domes parish by there own mistakes and does not survive.
Each dome has its own culture and style, evolved and history forgotten.
For example one centered over Venedig cultivated and gone total steampunk,
at the borders of norway and sweden one dome revert to pagan and nature.
Every dome speciallity very unique part from everything else, about 5 left in the world.
The few scattered domes around the globe now started to stretch out
of there comfort zone, there curiosity takes overhand,
they are going to conquer the unknown, outside there domes.
The series will follow the most prominent of the domes inhabitants,
as they venture outside and meet the outcast.
The forgotten survivors living a mad max world.
Story of survival, heroism, forgiveness and war,
todays struggle set in the future,
in the style of Gene Roddenberry.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

EPOS - scifi alien religion movie idea

This idea is inspired by the ancient alien theorists around us, its a fact that we are not alone.
Just only math & science tells us so, without a shadow of a doubt !
In reality it is much more than that ! Have you asked the right questions ?
If so, from which perspective did you do that, eh ?

Year is 2020,
World is still un-enlighten same old race, same old struggles.
First steps are being taken to make a permanent base on the moon.
World is in deadlock of economy struggle and border tensions.
A political nightmare, mediators show for the masses and galleries.
Nothing really changed.
Suddenly out of nowhere, outspread allover the world,
 it starts to rain hundreds of bright white metallic balls, about 2 in diameter.
Breaking up in midair, you clearly see strange looking biped robots come out.
The world is caught off guard, and make stumbling attempts for contact and aggression,
both against the robots as there own humankind.
Press notices quickly that these robots has something in-common,
there movement is coordinated and moving forward earth magnetic fault lines.
Seemingly searching actively and without aggression for something.
Moving in lines to major old ancient places of the old religion.

Media are flabbergasted how these robots are taking no notice of us,
on occasions on some animals but are totally ignoring us, as we where not there.
Some robots get attacked but, just laughs among them self, talking in tongues,
repair each other and moves along, as if it never happen.

This goes on for days,
the robots halts and digs in on several ancient ruins around the planet.
Many cults, religions start to gather at these ruins, thinking its a sign of god.
One day out side the great pyramids of Giza,
thousands of humans has gathered as they see the sky starts to thunder
and break out in flames, sparkling and magnificent huge chariots descends.
The sounds shakes the sand and pebbles as it comes down.

In mid air it halts about 100 meters up and hovers,
you can see robust white armored human like soldiers
drop from the ships, coming down crashing in incredible speeds.
They are about 6.5 feet ( 2 meters ) tall, white shiny robust Armour, very intimidating.
There closed headgear look like something taken out of a horrid fantasy story,
of angels and dragons, but yet white in color, shiny and appealing.
One of the soldiers seemingly the leader starts to scream out in excitment,
as if he done something amazing, won the gold medal. Making gestures of the fact.
Starts to bark out orders, what might sound as a mix of all ancient languages.
One of the others points at his helmet.
He slams his chest console, his voice suddenly changes to english
with booming voice "is that better" - "yes sir "
"holy shit, what a ride woooooaaaa"
He removes his helmet, throws the helmet right trough a house
You can see that its very human like, head more extended backwards.
"Sergeant Jud" silence all around
Some human curious children are closing in to look closer
Commander screams "sergeant Jud to the front" he is ignoring the children
turns around instead to meet Jud.
"We set up base here, lets do this, lets get that old network up and running people"
The children are upon him and looking up at him
one says " are you angels "
Hey take no notice of the children, the child thugs his leg armour and asks again
The commander turns his head to spit and then notice the child
"what was that pipsqueece " bending down staring angry
"are you angels ? " lifts up single handed the child in his two arms,
child smiling as he dangles 2 feet up.
"hell no, do I look like the enemy to you" and throw the child 3 meters back.
Sergeant Jud says " holycrap, they evolved sir "
"I can see that shit for brains, ignore them, we got the war coming"

By this point you know that the evil ones are the white barbaric aliens,
setting up posts along the fault lines and ruins awaiting an attack.
Starting up an magnetic defense grid using our own ruins and faults.
They ignore humans and army as we was not there, no regard for us at all.

In space hundreds of black evil looking alien ships, like drawn from hell it self.

The movie is about the war between these two races that has been here before,
jumpstared humankind but left for thousands of years.
Its a clash of religion, beliefs and rights of epic scales,
now humankind has to take the back seat.
The evil dark brigade with maliciousness demonic rage will wipe the white out at the end.
Closing stages of the movie is as a single man is spared
as a reminder of the fallen earth, as they go out to jumpstart another planet.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

black and white film idea

More inspirational talk around hard love that can shatter countries and even worlds.
There have been many turbulent and imaginative though love stories out there.
All from Titanic, 1900, Up side down to Dreams may come and Color purple.
 all good in its own category and style. The last two is master pieces that inspires me.

If I directed and wrote one of my own right now,
it would be a futuristic planetary system but yet related to us as humans.
This planet on its orbit around its blue mega star among countless orbiting planets and moons.
The planet itself is stuck in its orbit leaving half to darkness.
There are two distinctive two worlds ( countries ) on this planet,
both has same level of highly technological advancements,
one is living on the light (white) side other on the Black (dark) side.
White side architecture is smooth, glassy, shiny and highly though out ergonomic and utility.
The dark side is a flow of layered ergonomically surfaces to optimize artificial and nature lighting.
Due to the long evolution either side can not survive on the other. They never think of contacting the other side. They have no war, poverty or diseases.
A commune of equal rights and understanding.
A true sens of ying and yang. They reached what humankind can not.
Large portion of the movie is to dig into this fact, leave the audience in awe what we can be.
The planet get massive visit from an alien race,
standard human SETI greeting is sent down to the planet, its humankind.
They are not surprised , they always known we where there,
and either side did not like what they saw.
No intention or respons ever sent back to earth.
The movie will strictly follow and filmed the perspective that humankind is alien and they are wrong.
Black and White agrees to create a consul building crossing both sides in the spirit of peace and communication. Here they will start a 3 part talk with humankind. Here politics and religion will poison the planet. Humankinds private sector deviates into shrugged tactics to benefit them-self,
for the first time creating arguments between the two worlds.
In mist of it all enlightened girl from the light delegation falls in love with one of the dark side.
As they strive to touch and be together they discover that it would be a catastrophic endeavor.
It would create an unstable explosion that can tear time and space on small scale.
The movie continues to catastrophic war between all 3. Humankind gets tactical advantage.
The underground movement lead by the lovers convinces that if white and dark joins up
forming a bonding circle of thousands of persons holding hands, will create a time rift explosion
erasing humankind from there timeline all together, leaving them intact and unharmed.
Revelation on why humankind is so eager to goto space and its curiosity,
why we have the feeling we have done this before.
Movie explains this part as it ends with going back to the planet in another string timeline,
(from one bubble to another) and seeing how the explosion started the planet to rotate.
All scream as they think they are going to die, nothing happens.
the lovers stand together in the sun able to kiss each other for the first time.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Tv series idea

Just occurred to me a new tv series idea,
writing it down so I do not forget it.

What if,
in the near future humankind makes a leap forward
in cryogenics and suspended animation technics.
A collaboration from space agencies and private sectors.
Space agencies mainly develops technics for space travel,
the private sector devotes time to get rich on freezing dying
and needing persons in cryostate to be revived in the future.
Many take the chance either whole body or just the head.

Couple of hundred years in the future,
an alien race comes to devastated earth in ruins.
All in cryostates gets cured and released,
the once who only froze there head gets new animated bodies.
The alien races keeps its distance and never reveal themselves,
they are just around the corner curious checking us out.

We will follow there progress getting to the truth,
surviving in the eclectic new age of both ruins and new tech.
They get divided as the animated new bodies split from
them who had the whole body frozen.

and the epic journey begins..

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The chase - sci-fi short idea

Short idea before I head out the door,
It's present time, humankind wakes up
with the shocking news they are not alone.
Hundreds of different ships swarms around in our solar system.
Some mining the moon, a few probe the earth other
seemingly having a joy ride making fool of us.
All ships are different, seemingly from different races.
As the short sci-fi movie goes on a much larger spacecraft
comes in from FLT making a lot of the smaller once leave.
A olive branch is giving out to humankind
we accept any passengers to join the chase.
The chase for this universe survival.
Scientists and astronomers now detect strong pulses
emitting from what we think is the center of the universe.
Humankind will take part like a 3rd class tourist among
all races of the known universe.
Journey to the epi-center to mend an upcoming catastrophe,
the backlash of the big bang.
Will be a test of might, diplomacy and cooperation on epic scales,
to save the universe to collapse in on it self.
Revelation at the end, what humankind comes up with
is the actual solution that started the big bang in the first place

Im off , more ideas later
have a nice one
Erik Andersson

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

First post

Some where in the universe
A huge eclectic spacestation orbits its planet
Wonders high tech glans robots all around
repairing it as its falling apart at the seems
Here a frantic seemingly humanoid man works
in total despair, guilt and sorrow.
He is the sole survivor of his kind.
The short movie will take us trough his
emotional state as he try to correct his kinds mistakes.
He journeys back and forth in time and space
to find the answer why his world now is dead.

We will at first see him talking his native tongue,
slowly progress trough his log entries to English.
We can see him interacts with his supreme technological advancements
he wears and alters, fits around his body. Interacting with his robots.
Flashbacks go trough pain and memories, families and torture.
Getting to know him and how he travels in time to save them,
then save the whole planet. Now for the first time we get
that its actually Earth he is trying to save.
Time travel had lead him to create his own paradox, but he
is to blinded to see the obvious, dead set to create a good timeline.
Instead he is the guilty of all wrong doing in the world past history.
Going slowly backwards from his year to ancient time giving Egyptians tech to build pyramids
to being judas along side jesus.
Ending in a emotional speech as he wander trough the ship to his view port,
crashing it with all his anger, breaking it, which leads to the ships destruction.
We see the huge ship plunges down to earth in a fireball, bending time and space
 creating a catastrophic world wide nuclear winter.
Seeing the dinosaurs go extinct, humans come to life